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Sabine Lingg

  • Dr. Ing. 
  • Mechanical Patent Engineer


Sabine Lingg


  • patent impact, especially in the field of mechanics, thermal, chemical and mechanical process engineering, apparatus and plant engineering, bioprocess engineering

  • Researches


  • German
  • English


Sabine discovered the world of patents through a combination of technology, development and legal structures during her time at the TU Munich. She took courses on intellectual property and completed internships at a Munich patent law firm.

After a family break and a stay abroad in Mexico, Sabine worked in a biotechnology start-up in its intellectual property group and later at a renowned patent law firm in Mannheim. Since 2016, Sabine has been working as a patent engineer at BOVARD.

Intellectual Property and patents in particular will never stop fascinating Sabine as each new invention expands her own knowledge and helps her stay in touch with the latest developments and upcoming frontiers. 

Guiding inventors from a new idea to securing the best possible patent rights is a journey Sabine is absolutely passionate about. 


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